Tuesday, January 25, 2011


The presence of a Christian filled with the Holy Spirit, it bothers people who are possessed by demons. Once in Uruguay, the city of Melo, in 1990, spent the whole day fasting and praying, locked inside the Iglesia Cristiana Evangelical. The night I was going to preach, but the pastor who was Colombian and traditional line (not Pentecostals) did not like of my preaching and asked the chiefs of mission do not put me to preach among the 20 Brazilian missionaries who were on the team.

That night I was going to preach, so I dedicated myself so much. But the night, surprise, I could not preach, because the pastor did not want there. Who was seconded to give the sermon of the evening was a preacher of Campinas and he did not like the fact boycott me and after reading the Word (Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 2), then asked me to the pulpit.

I went up there, filled with the Holy Spirit and just raised my hand in the air. What a surprise I had, seeing 1 / 3 of the church fell to the ground moaning possessed by demons. The cult ended in uproar because the missionaries did not even know how to deal with it.

The head of the British mission (WEC_Internation) was the first to run away (lucky it was not possessed ...) So all I was asked to expel the demons, for a third church was demonized, another third ran off and left over are afraid.

As a lesson, I stepped off the pulpit and sat down. Causing further anger because I was not putting all of that mess. But my purpose was that they felt bitterly what a church is not dedicated to holiness, prayer and fasting: It's an easy target of demons. Worse still do not seek God's presence.

Pastor hardened his heart and not talk more than me during the next two weeks, not even looking at me.

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